Sunday, June 23, 2013


Two scriptures come to mind as I write this article; and they both happen to come from the first chapter of the Biblical Book of Philippians. You see, when the Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians, he was physically restrained in prison under the Roman government.  One reason he wrote to the saints in Philippi was to encourage them in the Lord. In encouraging them, he lets them realize that his unjustifiable imprisonment was nothing for them to sorrow about. He says in verse twenty-one, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Almost immediately, in verse twenty-nine, he tells the saints in Philippi, “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake.” This is what my King James Study Bible [and now, me] calls a believer’s “dual privilege.”

It is a sad truth that a great number of people who tag themselves Christians follow Christ solely because of the goodies they can get from Him. I wonder where they got that from. We definitely do not have the same New Testament versions. From the time of Jesus, the disciples knew that with salvation came some level of discomfort. Let’s take a look at some examples:

-          - Ex-tax-collector-turned-disciple, Matthew, definitely lost some friends and some money when he decided to follow Jesus.

-          - Peter, Andrew, James, and John left the financial comfort that their businesses afforded them, and slept in open fields and right above raging storms with the Master.

-          - Jesus told the disciples to go a mission trip with no extra clothes, no food, and no money. They had to depend on their recipients (that is, if they were received) for food and shelter (Luke 9:1-10; Luke 10:1-37). I’ll bet my money on it that there were some homes into which they were not accepted, and there were some days when they had to sleep in open fields with empty stomachs. 

But you know the amazing thing, they all came back rejoicing (Luke 10:17). Disregarding the shame and sacrifices, letting go of themselves and their fleshly desires, they did God’s work and came back rejoicing. They carried out the task they were created to perform and returned to the Master fulfilled. Wow, such joy!
About a month ago, on World/Global Evangelism Day, I sent this to all my BlackBerry Messenger contacts: “Not too long ago, I made a decision to not just follow Jesus, but to yield to my life completely to Him. I tell you that’s the VERY BEST decision I’ve ever made. You can make that decision NOW. Don’t let it wait. Jesus Loves You. Give (yield) yourself to Him and let Him fulfill His purposes through you. Today is World Evangelism Day. Spread the “JESUS” message. There’s no better message. Love, Temi.”

Almost immediately, I got reply messages. All, except one, liked my message. The one who didn’t like it replied by sending me with an "angry face" smiley. I replied him, “Hahaha. Love Jesus. He loves you.” 

He didn’t reply immediately and so, I thought that was it. But after many hours passed, he replied. 

Our conversation follows. For the sake of anonymity, I’ll call him Horatio. I’m sure Shakespeare wouldn’t mind.