Monday, June 23, 2014

COMPLETE IN HIM: To All My Fellow Christian Singles

Hey friends, sorry for the silence. The past one to two months have been particularly challenging. Although, GOD remains faithful, and His joy, love, and peace in the Holy Ghost sustain me every step of the way. Since stories of challenges are nicer to tell and hear after total victory comes, I’ll wait until this storm passes, and tell y’all about it when I arrive shore.

However, until then, I’d like to share this……………………………………….
I’m twenty-eight years old. In my country, girls my age are well overdue for marriage. The way people get worried (and pass their worry on to me) about MY marital status makes me feel like running to someplace else for a minute. Not like people in other places don’t get worried about being single for too long; but at least over there, I won’t have family, friends AND [arrghhh] strangers bugging me about it all the time. Anyway, whenever people ask me about the kind of man I’d like to get married to, my answer has always gone around something like this: a person who understands me completely – all my flaws and rights – and loves me anyway; my friend who I can be myself with; and one who loves God more than he loves me. Just very simple! Physical looks aren't much of a bother to me; although, I will prefer a good looking guy who weighs half as much as I do (two Plus sizes won’t be good for the childrenJ). The kind of job he does isn’t so much of a bother either. I just need a friend who understands me so completely, and loves God way more than he loves me.
At this point, it’s important to mention that finding that guy has been very difficult; and that guy finding me has been almost impossible – well, at least, so I thought. LOL.
Anyway, on Tuesday last week, I was waiting, excruciatingly, in a public place, and to while away time, I began looking at the many pictures on my phone AGAIN. I came across this portion of Psalm 139 that I had ScreenGrabbed to my phone. As I read it, I realized that I sought in man what I already had in God. Now, don’t get me wrong; I still desire that God-filled man. I, however, grasped in that moment that my God-filled husband will be my friend and love God, but will never be able to understand me completely. That kind of understanding and love is found in God alone. Even the Psalmist in the sixth verse of that passage exclaimed, “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high I cannot attain unto it.
To all my fellow single ladies and guys out there who, like me, are hoping for the perfect man or woman, you already have Him in God. Like I once told my lonely friend who thought she needed a man to complete her, you can never find satisfaction in any man or woman if Christ does not satisfy you. Marriage is the union between one COMPLETE man and one COMPLETE woman – that’s only when “the two” can become “one” (Ephesians 5:31). Two half-baked individuals who get hitched hoping they can complete or “compliment” each other will only and certainly get disappointed.
Christ completes me; and that’s why even if a relationship doesn’t work out between a fella and I, I may be disappointed and somewhat heartbroken, but I don’t feel like the earth has given way beneath my feet. I don’t lose heart and think life isn’t the same without him in my world. It never has to be “this” particular guy; but it always has to be one particular GOD, who has searched me and known me; One who knows my sitting down and my uprising and knows my thoughts afar off; He who discerns my going out and my lying down, and is acquainted with all my ways; and even more amazing and romantic, He who knows my very words even before I speak them – Psalm 139:1-4. Now, that satisfies me. That completes me!
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PS: Dear Husband, whoever and wherever you may be, I’ll love you and appreciate you, and I’m sure you’ll be so super amazing that I’ll need to thank God everyday that He brought you my way, but you’ll never be able to replace my First Love. I just do hope HE’s yours too.

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