Ever wondered why God regards all men who don’t believe in Jesus Christ as sinners? Whatever did you do to God that makes you classified as a sinner even before you did anything wrong? Well, let me show you the most interesting story, to unveil your mind to deeds that happened long ago but which still reverberate up till today! This is an interesting study, so please don’t read in a hurry, rather take your time and brace your minds!
How Adam Functioned After Creation?
We have previously spoken of how
man was created and we started showing in Man’s Adversary how man was tempted not by
a serpent but by fallen Lucifer. It is essential we all understand what happened
to Adam. He was made as the first creature to be in God’s image! Not that he
had a nose, face and mouth like God, No! Rather, Adam was made a spirit in the
class of God! Explaining further, Gen1:27-29 show how God made man in His own
image, then gave man authority over all other creatures; the only creature God
gave authority to rule, dominate and subdue was man. In addition, God gave the
ownership of the earth to man (vs.29). While angels were made ministering
spirits (Heb.1:14), man was made a spirit in God’s class (a spirit that can
rule, own and possess).
Gen.2:19-20 explains how Adam
functioned after he was made; you see Adam did not just give names casually!
Gen.1 explains how that everything God made was good. When Adam named the
animals, the names stuck with those animals only because they were the very
names God wanted! If God himself named those animals, it would have been the
same names that Adam named them. Jesus expatiates in Mark 10:18 that anything
good can only be good (before God) when God is the source! To see more, look at
what happened when Adam met the woman; Adam woke from deep sleep saw the woman
and knew that the woman had been formed from him. He knew without been told and
said the woman was from his bones and flesh (vs. 22-23).
Adam functioned by inspiration!
He spoke words that apply directly to Christ and the church! (Eph5: 30: the
church is the body of Christ, out of His flesh & bones!). Adam and the
woman did not function on the basis of normal human consciousness that we are
so used to today; they were both without clothes and they were not conscious of
it. For Adam to have named the animals rightly (with no further addition /
interference from God), means he saw things the way God saw things. Moses
explains how God saw man, in Psalm 90 vs 1 and 2; God was man’s dwelling place.
This points out what Adam and the woman must have been conscious of: dwelling
in God, and not the consciousness of the physical world their bodies lived in.
The Garden of Eden
Gen.2:15-17 told us of what man
did after he came to possess a body; man was placed in the Garden of Eden to
work in it and to protect it. Before Eden, we see God blessing the man,
speaking to him and showing him what to eat (Gen.1:27-28). In Eden, we see the
first instruction man was given; it had to do with food! Adam had been given
the authority to eat plants (Gen.1:29) and in Eden, God reiterated the same (Gen.2:16).
The sustenance for the body of the man was from the plants – the trees in the
garden. However, there were also two trees in the garden, which were not just for
sustenance of the body: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and
Let us explore the latter first:
the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree was not the type that solely
gave food to man, no, this was a tree that imbued knowledge. Gen.3:22a speaks
of what this tree does; it gives the consciousness of good and evil. It makes
one aware of the existence of good and evil. Adam as we said earlier was
conscious of God. God’s plan is that we get our consciousness of good and evil
from His (God’s) stand-point! Heb.5:14 explains God’s plan: it is via the
continuous use of the strong meat of God’s Word that our senses (consciousness
/ perception) become trained to distinguish good from evil. So God’s plan was
two-fold: one, man was to be conscious of good and evil from his position in
God and not independently and two, man was to acquire the perception of good
and evil via training and practice in God’s word and not via a sudden immediate
Concerning the tree of life! The
tree of life was not just to be a source of food, the tree of the life is a
life giver. God says in Gen.3:22b that the tree of life gives immortality; it
imbues one with the ability to live forever. You see, dear friend, immortality
in truth is unique to only one person: God. Only God is immortal as enumerated
in 2Tim.6:16 and only God gives immortality. In fact, life and immortality are
unveiled via the gospel (2Tim.1:10)! In Eden, the tree of life was the life and
immortality-giver, today, the gospel shines the light upon and reveals life and
immortality. Understand that immortality is given via receiving eternal life –
God’s own life (Rom.2:7) which is given by Jesus Christ (John17:2). Eternal
life also has to do with knowledge, as it involves knowing who God actually is
and understanding who Jesus is (John17:3).
So we might say that while the
tree of knowledge was to give the knowledge to know good and evil independent
of God, the tree of life was to make one know God more. But then the question
arises: ‘why did God ever allow / place these trees in the garden?’
The Reason for the Trees
Well there are many answers to
glean from the Bible. The most obvious is that like all other trees, they
looked good and they were for food (Gen.2:9a). Yet the other potent reason is
that the trees were placed in the garden because man was made in God’s image;
meaning that man had the power of choice. God said to man: ‘of every tree in
the garden, you MAY FREELY eat except …’ notice the words may and freely! It
was man’s choice what to eat, it was never a must. Choosing of the tree of life
was a choice as the man was told to eat of all trees except one. The same
choice Adam had, we have today! We can choose eternal life in Christ (Rom.2:6-7)
or not. You see it is man’s choice whether to accept as truth the gospel or to
scorn it. Choice!!!
In addition, the instruction
carried the first words on death. In eating of the tree which imbues the
awareness of good and evil was death. Actually vs. 17 mentions death twice,
saying: ‘… in the day you eat of the tree, you shall die die (Hebrew: mûth mûth)’
Young’s literal translation explains it properly by saying: ‘… dying thou dost
die’. Why two deaths? We will answer this when we look at what happened when
man fell.
Man’s fall
Gen.3 shows the way man fell, the
how and the why. There are lots of key things to note and consider in the fall
of man. We won’t be looking in details at the devil’s (serpent’s) role today
because we already did in Man’s Adversary (we recommend you read
this previous discuss). It is important to know that entirely different things
happened to Adam and the woman when they fell. You see the woman was deceived
(2Cor.11:3)! Fallen Lucifer used his corrupted wisdom to deceive the woman. God
said: ‘in eating the fruit, you will surely die’. Satan came and said: ‘in
eating the fruit, you (a creature already in God’s image) will now finally
become like God’. By his subtlety, the devil got the woman to pay attention to
the beauty of the tree of knowledge; the woman’s attention was taken away from
what God said, to the aesthetic nature of the tree. In brief, 1John2:16 came
about and pulled the rug from underneath the woman’s feet.
We must here point out that the
man was not deceived as the woman was. While the woman’s eyes were veiled from
the truth by the words of the serpent, Adam made a choice to eat what God had
told him not to eat. Paul expatiates: ‘…Adam was not the one deceived; it was
the woman who was deceived…’ (1Tim.2:14). You see for Adam it was a case of
disobedience as Romans 5 vs 19 points out. Adam was not cunningly deceived
rather with the truth of God’s instruction in mind he chose to eat of the tree.
So as Satan suggested, did the man and woman become like God after they ate of
the tree of knowledge? Of course yes, as God said afterwards: ‘… the man is now
become like one of us…’ (Gen.3:22a). However, this was not the way God wanted
it to be. Why? God already made the man in His own image! He was already like
God. God also desired that the man distinguish between good and evil using
God’s perspective and not an independent perspective. To God, the way &
process of getting a desired result matters as much as the result itself!
Let us here follow the sequence
of events in Gen.3:6-7. Note that after the woman was deceived and ate of the
tree, nothing happened. She gave to Adam, he ate, and afterwards something
happened. As the devil had promised them in vs.5, their eyes opened. Notice
that the woman’s eyes only opened after the man disobeyed! This shows the sort
of unity that existed between the man and the woman. The woman already sinned
and she was alright, after Adam sinned then they both fell! The custodian of
the instruction from God was Adam, he was the one meant to guard and keep the
garden. Until Adam sinned nothing happened because Adam was the source (i.e.
first) of humanity; he was the first to be made (1Tim.2:13). To exemplify let
us use a tree with a diseased branch; if just one branch is infected with a
disease then the whole tree can still be salvaged from the disease, but if the
tree itself – stem and root – are diseased, then even the healthy yet-to-be-diseased
branches are as good as dead. Same thing with Adam, until Adam fell, the whole
of humanity did not fall. You have to understand this as it helps to start the
explanation for why all men born into the world today are born into sin
irrespective of any good or bad deed they might have done or not done.
Now you might wonder: ‘what was
so special about food that man fell just by eating a bunch of fruits?’ First!
As we pointed out earlier the tree of life and the tree of knowledge were not
just for food, they were also given to allow man express choice and will. The
trees were also ability-giving trees, one gives life (and hence immortality
& the knowledge of God), the other gave the auto-consciousness of good and
evil. In addition, Jesus, Peter and Paul explained that who we choose to obey
is who we indicate to be our master (John8:34; 2Peter2:19 and Rom.6:16)! By
Adam obeying fallen Lucifer, fallen Lucifer became the master and lord of the
man. The bad news about this: prior to Adam’s subjection to the devil, Adam was
already a lord. God had placed him as the lord of the earth (Gen1:28; Psalm115:16).
By obeying the devil, Adam became a subject, relinquishing his lordship and as Matt.12:29
explains, all the possession, properties and domains of the man became subject
to the devil. This is why Jesus labelled the devil the prince of this world (John14:30),
because the devil had usurped the ownership of the earth from the man via the
man’s allegiance to the devil’s words.
So understand that when man fell,
it wasn’t God who left man, it was man who left God. God didn’t push man away.
Man walked away from where God placed him; God didn’t change His position of
love and relationship with man, rather man lost the ‘coordinates’ where God had
placed him. Many more things happened as a result of the fall and we will be
dissecting these next week. However, today let us all rejoice that in Christ
man is rightly positioned once again in God.