Friday, July 5, 2013

THE CONVERSATION (Continuation of Dual Privilege)

About a month ago, on World/Global Evangelism Day, I sent this to all my BlackBerry Messenger contacts: “Not too long ago, I made a decision to not just follow Jesus, but to yield to my life completely to Him. I tell you that’s the VERY BEST decision I’ve ever made. You can make that decision NOW. Don’t let it wait. Jesus Loves You. Give (yield) yourself to Him and let Him fulfill His purposes through you. Today is World Evangelism Day. Spread the “JESUS” message. There’s no better message. Love, Temi.”
Almost immediately, I got reply messages. All, except one, liked my message. The one who didn’t like it replied by sending me with an angry face smiley. I replied him, “Hahaha. Love Jesus. He loves you.”
He didn’t reply immediately and so, I thought that was it. But after many hours passed, he replied.
Our conversation follows. For the sake of anonymity, I’ll call him Horatio. I’m sure Shakespeare wouldn’t mind.
Horatio: Smh. If a Muslim does this, you will call him Boko Haram.
Temi: I won’t. I understand what freedom is. If one has a message, he/she preaches it. Sorry if you’re offended.
Horatio: I am offended.
Temi: Wow! Sorry about that. I truly didn’t mean to.
Horatio: So if one is homosexual, it’s OK to forward you gay porn?
Temi: Well, I wouldn’t like to use such comparison. Sorry again. I honestly can’t stop preaching Jesus. And I truly didn’t mean to offend you or anyone.
Horatio: I would be forwarding you porn every time I get anything from you. Lol. No offence.
Temi: J. OK!
I thought that was all. I was wrong. Read on…
Horatio: You don’t seem to respect people’s privacy with your messages. It’s your belief, not everyone’s.
Temi: I don’t mean to disrespect anyone
Horatio: Well, you inadvertently are
Temi: People send me forwarded Broadcasts or random stuff – Akpos jokes, other jokes, news, jobs, etc. Even though it can be annoying, especially when from the same person who I don’t ever chat with, I don’t consider it disrespectful.
Horatio: OK.
Temi: The only Broadcasts (BCs) I share are about Jesus. I’m sure you receive those other random BCs like that often too. Do you consider them disrespectful? Or mine is particularly disrespectful of people’s privacy because it centers on Christ?
Horatio: Well, you of all people ought to know that if everyone tried to impose his/her belief system on others, the world won’t contain us all.
Temi: I’ve never tried to impose my belief on anyone. Never!
Horatio: This is what you are doing. However, you may want to argue.
Temi: I tell people what I believe and advise them to accept it too. It’s their choice to or not to. I’ve received BCs where people say “forward this to everyone on your BlackBerry Messenger” or “you need to speak out against such and such.” Is that “imposing” to you too?
Horatio: Not everyone is a jesus follower. Keep it to yourself. Religion and politics are too sensitive.
Horatio: I cuss out people that send me inane broadcasts. However, like I said, BCs that border on belief system are different.
Temi: That’s the thing; and I’m sorry it’ll offend you again – I CANNOT keep Jesus to myself. One cannot possibly have Jesus and keep HIM to him/herself. It’s not possible
Horatio: Smh
Temi: Jesus is NOT religion
Horatio: You are unwell o
Temi: OK. I’m sorry. Lol.
Temi: It’s amazing you think so @ unwell
Horatio: Live and let live. That’s what enlightened, educated people subscribe to. Why are you doing this to yourself?
Temi: Doing what to myself? I’m not doing anything to myself dear. God does everything in and through me. I feel awesome. This is the best life ever.
Horatio: Whilst I don’t have anything to say about your beliefs. That’s choice. However, that you’ve degenerated to being a nuisance to non-believers is what makes me wonder.
Temi: “Degenerated”???? Wow!!!!
Horatio: Like I said to you, others are Muslim, Buddhist, etc. You ought to respect people’s sensitivities. It’s selfish of you to assume that because something appeals to you, it invariably must appeal to others. Be guided accordingly.
Horatio: Lol. I’ve spoke too much. Hug smiley.
Temi: Lol. I have some more to write about this, but I’ll let it rest here. J. Thanks for your time. It’s good to know how you really feel about this.
I thought this was the end of it. Wrong! Again
Horatio: Thanks for listening my dear. This is the same thing Boko Haram is doing; however, violently. Their message is, “Islam is the way and Nigeria should convert.” What moral standing do you have to condemn their actions?
Temi: Wow! I’m being compared to murderers because I preach.
Temi: No moral standing to condemn theirs or anyone’s actions. None at all
Horatio: What’s your point? Are they not preaching? This is my issue. You are saying “my bad is not as bad as theirs.”
Temi: Preaching isn’t synonymous to forceful imposing of one’s belief on other people.
Horatio: Where do you draw this your imaginary line?
Temi: Doctors preach, “Stay healthy”. The cops preach, “Stay outta trouble.” No one forces you to do what you don’t want to do.
Horatio: You are saying a man that yells at his wife is not as abusive as the man that slaps.
Temi: As I said earlier, when you have a message, you preach it. It isn’t the same as forcing the subject of your message on other people.
Horatio: Whatever happened to the good ol’ “please can I talk to you about religion, jesus, etc”? You don’t feel the need to be courteous about it, right?
Felt it was time I ended the conversation for good, I began concluding: -
Temi: I’m sorry you feel like I’m forcing you or “imposing” my belief on you. I’m not. Not at all. And if you feel like you’re being “moved” or whatever-the-right-word-is, trust me, it’s not me doing that. Not me at all. I have no power to do that.
Horatio: Moved? Confused smiley
Temi: Yeah, I don’t know the right word to use here. But let’s put this conversation aside, please.
Horatio: Hug smiley. Bye.
Temi: J + Hug smiley
I thought it was over. But then the biggest shock came to him.
Horatio: Hope you’re not offended. L
Temi: Absolutely not! I’m grateful. I’m joy’d actually.
This was a shock to him…
Horatio: Surprised smiley. For?
Temi: Grateful to God for this opportunity J. It’s a good thing.
Horatio: Confused smiley
Temi: J + Hug smiley. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Horatio: You too.
At this point, the conversation finally came to an end. And I LOVED so very much how it ended.
You know, Horatio thought he had succeeded in breaking me, and sapping confidence out of me; little did he know that he had just made my World Evangelism Day one to remember. Ordinary people can never understand you when you preach the salvation message (John 6:44). If they understand you, it’s one of two things – it’s either you’re preaching something other than the gospel of Christ; OR, the Holy Spirit has revealed it to them (Matthew 16:17). My message made Horatio feel uncomfortable and that made me exhilarated. I kind of now understand what the apostles felt when they said they rejoiced because they had been “counted worthy” of suffering for His name (Acts 5:41). Boy, at that moment did I feel privileged. I felt highly encouraged to continue evangelizing. And I will not stop praying for Horatio, either. I sense that God is working out something beautiful in His life. I hope I’ll be part of it.
Please, join me to pray for his salvation and the salvation of others I witness to.
Never get tired of witnessing. Remember, if you have a message, you preach it! You don’t determine their response, God does. Just preach!

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