Sunday, December 29, 2013

It Really Doesn't Matter

Friends, as the year winds to an end, there are several things some of us will want to take with us into the New Year. Many of us will like to carry on our blessings, successes, and accomplishments along with us; unfortunately, some of us will carry on our failures and disappointments. This is not entirely bad, as one can learn from these failures and proceed to achieve something great in areas they have failed. But even worse are those of us who drag on the mistakes of the past and the guilt of their sin on their shoulders for years and years on. I have word for you today: It is time to let it go. It doesn’t matter anymore.

You may be wondering, “Of course, it does matter. My mistakes matter. My sin matter. If they didn’t, I wouldn’t be here today. My present life is a direct result of my past sin.” Some may say, “I’ve got HIV because of my sin. It definitely matters;” OR “My home is broken because of my mistakes; so it does matter. I am definitely facing the consequences of my deeds;” OR whatever your story may be. While you may be somewhat right, I choose to go with the Truth of GOD’s Word on this. The Bible tells me in a very popular scripture – 2nd Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if ANY MAN be in Christ, he is a new creation: Old things have PASSED AWAY; Behold, ALL THINGS are become new.” You see if there’s anyone who knew what he meant when he scripted this verse, it was the author himself. The Apostle Paul called himself the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). He had swum in the river of sin for a long time. Worse off, is that while he sinned, he had thought he was doing God service. For such people, you know it’s often hard to get them out of their sin. But then he met Jesus and experienced a change. And even though he struggled with sin sometimes (Romans 7), he didn’t let it hold him bound. In his letter to the Philippians, he confessed, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” – Philippians 3:14. In this he was saying, “I may’ve sinned. I may’ve been right or wrong in my own eyes. I may’ve done one good or many bads. All these don’t matter anymore. I choose to focus on Jesus who’s the Author and Finisher of my faith (Hebrews 12:2). I choose to let it all go for something better.” You think Paul didn’t have any physical challenges? Think again. Look at 2nd Corinthians 12:7-9. Who knows, his challenges may’ve been a result of his past sinful deed. Funny thing is even though he specifically asked GOD to take away his thorn (as he called it), GOD didn’t. HE had a better plan. And rather than whine and grump and remain in his pain, Paul chose to press on.

Two more days into the New Year people; it’s time to PRESS ON.

A story in the Bible that may help to give you the courage you need to leave Satan and every of his attachment (sin, guilt, etc.) on you today is found in the Gospel Book of John-  John 8:1-11. It is the story of an adulterous woman. She was caught in the act of adultery; and according to the Jewish law, she had to be stoned to death. So the Pharisees brought her to Jesus to know what he thought about their intentions. Hmmm!

Yes, you’re free to wonder, “Was she in the ‘act’ all by herself? Where’s her partner in crime?” 

That’s my point! You see, Satan never ever has a problem with the sin. No. He has a problem with the person. If Satan had a problem with the sin, then the man with whom the woman committed adultery would have been brought forward too for stoning, as well as, all the adulterers and fornicators in Israel at that time. But Satan is extremely comfortable with sin. He is the father of sin (John 8:44) and the originator of it (Genesis 3:1). So while GOD condemns sin and saves the sinner (John 3:17); Satan preserves sin and condemns the sinner. And then you join Satan to condemn yourself. Satan says you’re not worthy, and you echo it back to yourself. Satan says you’re such a sinner, and you echo it back to yourself. Satan says you can never be healed, and you echo it back to yourself. Satan says your broken home/marriage/life/heart can never be mended and you echo it back to yourself. Satan says God cannot possibly love a person like you, and you echo it back to yourself. WOW!!!

My advice for you today is this: Go with GOD on this matter. Let it go. Hand your life over to Him and let Him lift up that chip from off your shoulder. His burden is light and His yoke is easy (Matthew 11:28-30; 1st Peter 5:7). You’ve carried it on for too long. Friend, it’s time to let it go. Listen to Jesus’ words to the adulterous woman. Hear Him say it to you, “Neither do I condemn you: go and sin no more.” Yes, It’s time to tell the Devil, “ENOUGH! I’m not guilty anymore; Christ loves me and has paid it all for me. Enough of your lies, Satan. I hereby shove all your gifts back to you. I am saved. I am free. And I’m pressing on; because my past will not dictate my future (Jeremiah 29:11). It really doesn’t matter anymore.”

Happy New Year, Folks. GOD Bless You. Welcome to a life of true freedom in Christ! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Salt Of The Earth: Salty or Bland?

JESUS in His most popular sermon – the Sermon on the Mount – teaches that believers are the Salt of the Earth – Matthew 5:13. Why Jesus chose this metaphor is something we have to ponder in order to know exactly what He meant. 

From my basic natural understanding, there are some things I definitely know about salt. Although more, I’ll just mention three of those in this article and then relate those physical properties/uses into my spiritual understanding as inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The first thing I’d like to mention about salt is its ability to preserve food and keep it from getting rotten. In the olden days before the invention of freezers, our forefathers used salt as a preservative for their foods in order to lengthen “shelf life”. 

As Christians, we are preservatives. We help to preserve the truth of the gospel. Jesus said in Matthew 24:11 that false prophets will arise. People will preach various messages that are contrary to the true gospel of Christ – Galatians 1:8-9. As salt of the earth, we are to ensure that the true message of Christ reaches out to people everywhere. We are to live our lives like Christ lived so that value and dignity remains associated with little Christs on earth (us) and Christendom as a whole. Second Timothy 4:3-4 tells us that in perilous times (which we are in now), people will have itchy ears. They will seek for messages that will soothe their fleshly desires and serve as an encouragement for evil deeds. Salt who have lost their savor (Matthew 5:13) will tell them what they want to hear; will encourage them negatively, even quoting some “carefully selected” Bible verses to buttress their points. But Jesus’ salt of the earth will speak only the truth. Jesus’ salt of the earth will preserve the integrity of the gospel, even if it will cost them their lives. 

Salt is a preservative. As a new creation individual, you should be too.

The second thing I’d like to note here about salt is that it creates thirst. It causes a longing for water. When you put salt on your tongue, it only takes a couple of seconds for you to realize that you want to satisfy a thirst – usually, with water. 

As salt of the earth, we are to create a longing for satisfaction in the lives of people. We are to cause people to be thirsty for God. Think about it. Jesus didn’t call us just “salt”; He called us “salt of the EARTH”. Or we can say salt of the WORLD. From biblical point of view, we know that the “World” refers to unbelievers. There it is. Jesus says we are to reach out to unbelievers, purposefully or not, and cause them to be thirsty. That is, cause them to seek water to satisfy their thirst; cause them to seek the LORD. Let your words, your deeds, and your life be a testament of God’s mercy, grace, and love; something that they’ll seek to experience.

A question or two you may ask here may be, “how do I quench their thirst?” or “where do they get the water from?” John 7:38-39 tells us that the Holy Spirit is that Living Water that quenches people’s thirst – John 4:10, 14. 

Be careful to note that no where have you been called “the water of the earth.” You do not have the ability or power to quench anyone’s thirst. No no no. You are the salt who will make them thirsty and then lead them to that Living Water. Even the Bible says Jesus (our perfect example), leads people to that Living Water – Revelation 7:17; John 4:10, 14. You cannot be both salt and water. But as salt of the earth, be faithful to do what you’ve been called to do. Don’t try to do God’s job for Him. Don’t let people give glory to you that you do not deserve. No. Be the salt. Lead them to that Living Water. You can be certain that He’s more than capable of satisfying their thirsts.

Number three thing that salt does is something almost all of us use salt for these days – to add taste; to sweeten. When I cook a pot of soup and I do not add salt to it, it is tasteless, and very unappealing to normal tongues like mine. So here are my questions to you: 

Are you tasteless as a believer? Are you an unappealing new creation individual? Do you add sweetening to the lives of people – believers and non-believers? Do you brighten up the faces of people when you get into a room? Or do people tend to “not notice” when you’re somewhere? Can people come to you for counsel and find Jesus’ love, peace and joy as soon as you begin speaking? Or do they go away even more troubled than they were before they came to you? Or are they even careful to tell you anything too private about themselves because of your well-known medical condition – LMS, aka the leaking-mouth syndrome? Are you the salt of the earth around you – your church, your workplace, your community, your nation?

Are you still salt of the earth or have you lost your savor? Jesus said when salt is poured on the ground, it is useless, and gets trodden under foot of men. Are you careful enough to ensure that every pinch of your salt reaches out to people – to tell them/preserve the truth, to create a thirst, and/or to sweeten their lives? Or have you carelessly allowed your jar of salt slip off your hand, causing it to be useless, and insulted beneath the feet of men? Have you been mixed with water or fluid of the world making you tasteless and unusable? 

You are the salt of the earth. How much of your salt is still in the jar? How much has been poured away?

Ye are the salt of the earth:
but if the salt have lost his savor,
wherewith shall it be salted?
It is thenceforth good for nothing,
but to be cast out, and to be
trodden under foot of men
-    Matthew 5:13 

 How salty is your salt?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

15/11 Series (Part 6): ... Doing Wonders

The people became very attentive. They had complained angrily, been rude, and very disrespectful. But after what they just saw, they listened, and Moses began:

I was in exile in the land of Midian watching over my father-in-law’s sheep. On one fateful day, while I tended his sheep, I saw from a distance a fire burning. What drew me close was not the fire, it was the fact that the fire burned but the bush around it wasn’t burned. As I moved closer, I heard a voice. I was afraid, but not the usual kind of horrification. The voice put a holy fear in me. The voice was filled with so much power and overwhelming love. It was soothing; but at the same time, unsettling. He said to me, “take off your sandals, for where you are standing is holy ground.” I obeyed, and then I began to see things I had never seen in my life – my rod turning to a snake and back to a rod; my arm becoming leprous and back whole again. This was more than amazing to me. So when He told me that He had heard the cries of His children and that I’ll lead them forth to safety, I had no choice but to obey. Initially, I protested, but He insisted. And that is the genesis of our exodus to this place. You all know the rest of the story, I need not tell you – how the Nile was turned to blood and back to water to how all the firstborn sons of the Egyptians were killed on one night, while all our people were safe. The LORD had said that the Egyptians we saw today, we’d see them no more, and true to His words, they’re all gone – right in front of us. We now have liberty to worship our God and live for Him. You should all get ready; you’re going to see more of his wonders. But I must warn you: He is fearful. He is awesome. He has power both to kill and to make alive. Enough of the complaints, young men; enough of the cries, women, there is salvation for us. There’s salvation for our people, we’re moving ahead.
Moses kept on talking and the people listened attentively. Over the years they’ll see several other things that their eyes had never seen – water coming out of the rock, manna falling from heaven, people being healed as they looked up to a bronze snake, shouts destroying the walls of Jericho, and several other amazing miracles. In fact, if there is any one word the Israelites could have used to describe God during those years, that word would be “Wonderful!”

When Moses was done talking, he beckoned for the people to move on ahead towards the mountains. Even though they heard what he said, many of them found their legs to heavy to carry at first. The people turned back to look, one last time, at the land on the other side the sea they had just crossed. 

Miriam whispered, “Wow! Captivity led captive. Surreal.” She turned again facing their future and advanced freely. All the people followed.

Thou in thy mercy hast led forth the people which thou hast redeemed: thou hast guided them in thy strength unto thy holy habitation.

The people shall hear, and be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina.

Then the dukes of Edom shall be amazed; the mighty men of Moab, trembling shall take hold upon them; all the inhabitants of Canaan shall melt away.

Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a stone; till thy people pass over, O Lord, till the people pass over, which thou hast purchased.

Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of thine inheritance, in the place, O Lord, which thou hast made for thee to dwell in, in the Sanctuary, O Lord, which thy hands have established.
The Lord shall reign forever and ever.

Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?